Insights on the European Banking System of Today and Tomorrow


The article reflects an overview analysis from the insight banking perspective, concerning the development of the Eurozone banking system, pinpointed over where it is today and projections upon future development in this market. The article begins with the introductory information of the paper. In the second part of the paper, we present the main developments and concepts from a banking perspective, as well as important aspects reflecting where the EU banking system is nowadays, with relevant studies, research, papers on bank system general overview. Another important topic that is related in this part of the research is in respect to the main measures of the post-crisis European banking system both from a commercial & central banks perspective. The third part of the article includes our study which has two parts, one dedicated to analyzing the digitalization of the banking system and the other one regards the new side-view/guideline of and for tomorrow, and that is reshaping the banking system from global to local. The last part highlights our conclusions throughout the results of the research together with other aspects relevant to the topic, that can be considered subject to future studies.