Institutional health in the context of sustainable development


In front of the threats of irreversible environmental degradation, is necessary the emergence of a scientific research in the restructuring process for society and the economy by identifying models, innovative development solutions that will form the basis of the policy development process.

In this paper we want to present the current state of implementation and observance of the principles of sustainable development at institutional level, an analysis based on economic, social and environmental objectives In order to highlight this idea, a case study was realized in Romania, Braila County, for the knowledge of the environment and the way of work, but also the rules and conditions to be taken into account by the employee and the employer of a company automotive.

The starting point is represented by next aspects:

  • The integrative approach
  • The principle ‘Think Globally- Act Locally’’
  • Long-term vision of development [1]

The conclusions of research were reported based on the following criteria: economic (efficiency, growth, stability); social (living standards, equity, social dialogue and delegation of responsibilities, protection of culture / heritage); ecological (conservation and protection of natural resources, biodiversity, avoidance of pollution). [2], [3]