Institutional-Structural Transformation Of Socio-Economic System For The Formation Of Knowledge Economy In Ukraine


Transition from industrial to creative economy is characterized by the change in socio-economic formation, based on intellectual potential, knowledge and creativity. That is why the article suggests the model of the structure of information society, the core of which is creative economy. The types of structural changes in Ukrainian economy are considered. The dynamics of the most important indicators of the effectiveness of structural changes and the promotion of the country in the direction of building knowledge economy are given. It is substantiated that the processes of modernization of the country's economy are not limited to technical and technological innovations, but are inevitably accompanied by institutional changes in socio-economic relations and their management systems. It is proved that the institutional and structural changes in socio-economic system of the society are based on the principles of socio-economic efficiency, constant changes, evolutionary heredity, while the mechanisms of selection of effective institutions and technologies are evolution and competition, while the state innovation and technology policy provides this selection. The institutional mission of the state in transformation into knowledge economy is determined.