Institutional Structures Influence on the Technological Development of the Economic System


Technological development is one of the key factors in the competitiveness of the national economy. Its achievement requires an appropriate state economic policy. The effectiveness of this policy can not be achieved without its coordination with the institutional structure. Institutions, especially informal ones, have a high degree of inertia. Therefore, if economic policy comes into conflict with them, it leads to inefficiency. At the same time, institutions can gradually change if economic reforms are carried out purposefully and systematically. Failure to meet these requirements (this is shown on the example of the experience of the 30-year transformation of the Russian economy) leads to stagnation in the economy and degradation in the social sphere. The ideological and methodological reason for the low success of reforms is the reliance on inadequate economic models. The authors distinguish two approaches to their construction. The first approach is based on the concept of universalism. The second approach is based on the consideration of national specifics. The article proves that the second approach is more effective. Countries that have chosen a second approach to reform (for example, China) have made significant progress. The governments of these countries manage to ensure long-term economic growth. Based on this approach, the authors recommend modernizing Russia's economic policy. It is suggested that the institutional features of the three subsystems allocated in it be more fully taken into account in the measures of state regulation. This is traditional-conservative; liberal-market; the new model of the mixed Russian economy. Such an approach will allow: to stimulate the development of industry, re-industrialize, accelerate technological development, reduce the technological gap with developed countries.