Integrated Assessment of Socio-Economic Differentiation: Cross-Country Comparison


Severe structural maladjustments conditioned by the process of globalization, the effects of sanctions and the migration policy as well as a high degree of territorial differentiation throughout the world’s economic space have become the essential features of the present-day global economy. Inequalities in the development of territories, the inconsistency of national and regional economies within the global socio-economic space, the common practice of setting strategic priorities without due consideration of the effects of globalization result in further growth of the spatial disparities in the levels of socio-economic maturity and living standards. Those factors and trends also lead to slack in the global economy in general and loss in competitiveness for national economies. It is obvious, that the dynamics of a number of indicators which would be representative of the quality of economic space requires thorough analysis. It would also provide a possibility to conduct a valid measurement of the degree of the differentiation among territories in the aspects of their socio-economic development and the standards of living and consider the ways of its regulation. The present research work engages some theoretical and empirical methods, the techniques of analysis and synthesis as well as the methods of mathematical modeling in economics for the basic socio-economic indicators of the development of territories.