Integrated Territorial Investments as a New Tool of Co-Operation and management of Development in Poland – Experiences and Conclusions


Regional polices of the European Union aim at improving economic and social cohesion of the member states and at diminishing differences in development levels between the European Union regions. Integrated Territorial Investments are new tools which are useful for more effective implementation of the cohesion policies through interventions which are integrated not only territorially but thematically, as well. The ITIs (Integrated Territorial Investments) are defined as integrated actions aimed at solving problems appearing in cities and their functional areas. Implementation of the ITI is based on strategies for municipal areas or strategic territorial pacts whose goal is to encourage integration and co-operation among administrative and self-governmental units which are functionally connected. As optional territorial development tool, the Integrated Territorial Investments make it possible to combine resources from the European Social Fund, European Regional Development Fund or the Cohesion Fund under priority axles of one or more operational programmes. While ITIs may be used to implement sustainable urban development, as well as other territorial strategies, they also allow the states to delegate management tasks to the local level.