Integrating Values into Public Organisations


In this paper I approached aspects related to the importance of values ​​and principles in administration, in a context of deep and multiple transformations of both the society and the world we live in. The main objective of this paper was to highlight the role of integrated values ​​into the organisational culture as a vector of sustainable development of the organisations from the public sector. The values ​​represent the essence of good governance, the path to performance and excellence. It generates trust and guarantees a level of quality of public services that will improve the quality of citizens' life. I characterized a set of values ​​and general principles promoted at the European Union level to facilitate the way to progress and innovation, namely: legality, integrity, impartiality, participation, openness, user focus, reactivity, connectivity, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability, vision, reflection, innovation and responsibility. Throughout the paper, I showed what the successful integration of values ​​within a team or organisation is and I developed a model for integration based on three elements: leaders' commitment, value-based management and insurance mechanisms.