Integration Of Virtual Reality Technologies In E-Learning For A More Efficient Performance


Virtual reality technology is a route for teachers and students to make a recreated three-dimensional world, a distinctive and similar learning environment for students as far as vi Virtual reality technology is a route for teachers and students to make a recreated three-dimensional world, a distinctive and similar learning environment for students as far as vision, hearing and contact, having the students feel as members of the virtual environment. A multi-client virtual grounds system dependent on virtual reality technology is advanced in this paper, which incorporates the fundamental models, system structure and usage plot. The system is a reenactment of genuine in grounds where students can take exercises, for example, having class, doing activities and making companions; and instructor can make addresses, survey works of students and lead examinations; administrators can deal with the day by day showing exercises and students' issues.

sion, hearing and contact, having the students feel as members of the virtual environment. A multi-client virtual grounds system dependent on virtual reality technology is advanced in this paper, which incorporates the fundamental models, system structure and usage plot. The system is a reenactment of genuine in grounds where students can take exercises, for example, having class, doing activities and making companions; and instructor can make addresses, survey works of students and lead examinations; administrators can deal with the day by day showing exercises and students' issues.