Intellectual Capital Evaluation- Supplementary Information for Economic and Financial Communication


The coherence and compatibility between the Horizon 2020 Strategy and the social cohesion policy is given by the promotion of excellence in the field of research and innovation, the identification and promotion of a flexible inter and/or multidisciplinary setting, specific for the new directions in science, society and economy. Besides these, by writing this we aim to answer concretely and in a positive manner to the effects caused by a crisis which must be countered by investing in documentation, in research and in the gaining of information. The convergence with the Horizon-2020 Strategy is placed on the same level of importance. It concerns the promotion and development of research and innovation within the EU, by finding new solutions for the problems caused by the current economic and financial crisis. Their gravity has led to the need of contributing to the development of competitiveness, innovation and research, at the economic and social activity level, by offering ideas and solutions to those who need to make decisions, as well as those who are in a state of mono- disciplinary conservatism.