Intellectual Capital, Integrated Strategy and Performance: Focusing on Companies’ Unique Value Creation Mechanism and Promoting better Organizational Reporting in Romania – A Framework Dominated by the Impact of Green Marketing and Green Marketing Strategies


The theme chosen for the scientific research entitled “Intellectual capital, integrated strategy and performance: focusing on companies’ unique value creation mechanism and promoting better organizational reporting in Romania – a framework dominated by the impact of green marketing and green marketing strategies” focuses on the relationship that exists between intellectual capital, integrated strategy and performance, showing a keen interest in companies’ unique value creation mechanism and promoting better organizational reporting in Romania, in the context of a general framework dominated by the impact of green marketing and green marketing strategies.

It should be stated that this study’s structure follows a specific pattern, namely: (a.) the introduction section, in which the main elements specific to this paper are stated, as well as the motivation for the present analysis; (b.) the literature review section, in which the specific aspects related to intellectual capital, green intellectual capital, tangible assets, intangible assets, accounting value, investments, effectiveness, efficiency, performance, green performance, excellence, competitive advantage, competitiveness, new economy, economic and financial decline, organizational production processes, and knowledge-based society, green marketing, green marketing strategy are taken into consideration and thoroughly discussed; (c.) the analysis of the necessity of the existence of a strong relationship between “harmonious development” and “sustainable development” - a desideratum of the present age.