Intercultural Communication of Multinational Corporations with the Specific Aspect of Czech Culture


The principal purpose of this paper is to explore the most effective way of managing intercultural communication in multinational corporations, where the teams include the Czech people and by it brings an element of Czech culture to the corporation.

Intercultural communication is a key point of communication within the corporation, but also in communication with its subsidiaries. Never before has it been easy to communicate with members of other cultures. Nowadays this issue constitutes even more important aspect of the functioning of companies and especially in multinational corporations, where managers are confronted daily with multicultural teams which must be managed. Very often the situation arises where you need to transfer the management of multinational corporations into subsidiaries. Thereby it leads to a fundamental clash of cultures, which can result to serious misunderstandings and conflicts.

This paper reflects the need to explore and describe in brief a permanent need to improve intercultural communication, which represents a very important management tool.

Recommendations provided at the end of this paper are designed to help multinational corporations that manage Czech employees.

The findings have been compared with answers of particular respondents and confronted in connection with theoretical cognition of solved issue. The results were interpreted in an exploratory manner. Based on the survey was established a manual to simplify fundamental instructions in the management of multinational corporations with employees affected by the Czech culture. The main function of this manual is to provide executives of multinational corporations, the basic framework proper management of communication with the Czech members of the organization.