Internet marketing in building the brand image of e-pharmacies. Case studies


E-commerce in Poland is developing very dynamically. This trend is not represented by e-pharmacies which account for only 1% of online stores registered in Poland. The article presents determinants of Polish e-commerce and discusses Internet marketing tools available for companies operating in this market, designed to build and strengthen the brand image in context of e-pharmacies. The market of online pharmacies is shortly described. There have been explained legal barriers, which resulted in low popularity of these entities. From a wide range of Internet marketing activities, the ones that can be used by e-pharmacies in accordance with the law have been identified and assessed: selected tools of content marketing, presence in price comparison websites, positioning and optimization of the website. This paper reports case studies of three recognizable brands of e-pharmacies, selected in the popularity ranking. The presented case studies show that in analysed entities the tools of Internet marketing are widely applied.