Investigating the Impact of Big Data Analytics on Recruitment Practices


Though traditional recruitment methods are still used by many employers across the globe, they are no longer sufficient as they cannot keep pace with the rapidly evolving talent landscape and with the ever-changing digital world.  More innovative ways that can make more efficient hiring decisions are, thus, needed.  Therefore, the objective of this article is to explore the potential impact of big data analytics on recruiting practices. In this vein, the findings of the present study revealed that these new technologies can help hiring managers identify and attract potential candidates in ways that were previously unimaginable. In fact, by retrieving and processing the valuable candidates’ professional and personal information that is constantly proliferating online, analytics can allow employers to sift through candidates’ profiles and spot the most suitable person for any particular position from a large pool of applicants. Candidates are assessed not only based on qualifications and experience, but also on the basis of cultural and organizational fit. Using big data analytics,  recruiters can also eliminate the guess work out of recruitment and can make better hiring decisions based on data,  not  on subjective factors which may have very little to do with a candidate’s chances of succeeding in a given job.