Irrational Behavior as a Factor of the Risk of the Incorrect Economic Solutions Acceptance by Individual


In this paper, the factors of individual-personal predisposition to irrational economic behavior are revealed, and a method for diagnosing the propensity to irrational economic behavior is proposed. The relationship between the individual psychological features of the individual and the styles of rational economic behavior in adolescence is studied.

The definition of rational economic behavior is formulated as a result of this research. It is a system of social actions that, first of all, are aimed at gaining profit from the circulation and using economic values ​​(resources) which are different in function and purpose.

The results have shown that there is a relationship between between emotional instability, life-purpose orientations (LPO) of young people and their level of irrational economic behavior. The factors of irrational economic choice in adolescence were developed and based on the analysis of literature, the study of diagnostic approaches and the revealed relationships.