Is it Safe to Live in the World of Robots: Current Trends in the Processes of Robotics, Challenges to Future Development and Threats to Economic Security


Strengthening the processes of robotics and automation actualizes the problem of correlation of potential opportunities and real threats to the economies of the world. The introduction of robots into production processes allows manufacturers to reduce economic costs. Following the trend of robotics development makes enterprises more competitive. The work of the robot in the daily life of man becomes familiar and facilitates its existence. However, the emergence of robots as a functional extension and replacement of humans can have negative economic, social and psychological consequences. The article analyzes the features of the impact of robotics on reproductive processes, identified threats to economic security from the development of robotics and automation. In addition, the main indicators of economic development of various countries in the context of the penetration rate of robotics are systematized.  It is proved that this indicator correlates with the level of progress and development of society.
