The Issue of Representation of Knowledge in Expert Systems for the Granting of Bank Loans in Romania


The main feature of the procedural methods for knowledge representation is given by the type of operations covered by a procedure. Procedures are triggered by the need to know a specific aspect to which they relate. They can call or can be called from other procedures. Procedural representation of knowledge is achieved in terms of some symbols identifying the procedures or even computer programs, being the way they are used to solving problems. In this paper we want to show the effectiveness of procedural methods in designing expert systems for granting bank loans in Romania.Consider any field of knowledge D, an area that is subject to abstraction in an expert system. In these circumstances, the issue of representation of knowledge about the D functions was to identify a relationship R to make the connection in the D with abstracted objects and their representations in model M who synthesizes, in a language of knowledge representation the  structure of domain D. [4,9] In essence, knowledge representation about a field consists of building a language model abstract representation and defining a system of relationships between D and R, that would ensure equivalence.