Issues of Quality Management in High-school Education


The transfer of application quality management concepts in the sphere of productive fields in other domains, such as services, government, culture or education is an undeniable reality of the contemporary world and finds its full justification by pragmatic efficiency that any approach in terms of quality management. So there is a global trend to find a common language for the development, management and evaluation of human activities on the basis of quality.

In the following we give a brief theoretical insight into how quality management is implemented in the educational system with illustration in Romanian university education.

Firstly we should point out what are the premises which made possible this spread of the concepts of quality management in education. Overall, there are two complementary explanations: on the one hand and quality management has changed and diversified its ways of expression evolving towards a total quality management, and on the other hand the education itself went out of seclusion and dogmatic teaching that characterizes him  and recently remodeled thanks to dynamic changes and reforms which are still in progress.