Justification of Internet Business Models in Service Oriented Architecture and Grid Computing Network


Grid Service, a merge of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) of Web services and the grid computing, enables independent enterprises to dynamically render business processes flow across the cyberspace through sharing informational and computational resources in a transparent manner. If the arrival of World Wide Web helped spawn numerous new Internet business models today, then the Grid services, may potentially fuel the fundamental changes of the Internet business tomorrow. The sharing nature of grid services seems to encourage: 1. cooperation among Internet businesses; 2. more middleman-type businesses over the currently popular direct-sales type model; 3. more flexibility to evolve from current Internet business model. In this paper, preliminary results based on applying the Internet Business Graph Analysis Models previously developed by the author to grid computing economic models is reported to extrapolate future types of Internet business models that will be most likely to flourish under this new technology.