Key Safety Rules during Safety Investigation – On the Example of Two International Organisations


This work is designed to select from the legal and safety standards of two pointed international organizations the most important safety principles during the safety investigation and then compare them. An international organization was selected to conduct the comparative analysis in the form of: 1) the European Union – due to the fact that it is an organization established in the international order, issuing legal acts regulating the subject of safety investigation in detail, and 2) the International Civil Aviation Organization (hereinafter: "ICAO"), which has a large territorial scope – as of June 1, 2022, 193 countries are members of ICAO[i]. ICAO is a specialised organisation of the United Nations. It was established by the Convention on International Civil Aviation signed in Chicago on 7 December 1944, or rather by its Annex 13 (hereinafter also referred to as "Annex 13 to the Convention"). The Convention on International Civil Aviation is a document detailing safety investigations and has been modified 12 times.

[i], access date: 07.02.2023 r.