La Marca Personal Factor de Éxito del Emprendedor


Entrepreneurial and business development is permeated not only by the development of research, innovation and development processes, but by the generation of value propositions supported not only in the portfolios of products and services that are offered, but also in the image and direction strategic that the creator of ideas or the entrepreneur projects to the external actors that accompany them in their commercial activity.

Although these processes are supported by an organizational, commercial, technical, financial and quality structure, among others, they must also be supported by the entrepreneur's exploration and creation of a strategy that, by way of seal, identifies, promotes, project and sustain the integral credibility in the market of the company and the entrepreneur as leader of their business, this strategy is conceived as the generation of a personal brand or personal branding, understanding this not from the commercial perspective but personal from the effective development of the soft abilities inherent in every human being. The following review article, evidences from the theoretical reference the very concept of the personal brand, as well as its components, contextualizes it in the environment of the current entrepreneur, highlights its construction and the contribution to the professional development of entrepreneurs.