LabVIEW Application for Simulating some Functions Available on Car`s Boards


Simulating the functions available on a car's board sometimes requires a significant consumption of resources and time. In this paper are described methods to design and develop a multichannel data acquisition system that simulate some functions available on a car's board. Moreover, the components of the system as well as their functional role in the data acquisition system are presented. To simulate the functions, the hardware components of the system were configured with the Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX). The acquired data was processed using an algorithm developed using the LabVEW software (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering WorkBench). The running description of the virtual instrument and the user interface complements the information contained in this work. Concurrently, real-time values ​​acquired from the multichannel system are saved and written in a Word file and accessed subsequently by a user for analysis and interpretation.