Las TIC en la Educacion


The illusion that ICTs could be the key to solving a large part of the educational problems and to give a rapid boost to the quality of teaching has been vanishing in the face of the great pending challenges and the difficulty of modifying the organization of schools and the way teachers teach. However, new reflections, models and initiatives are emerging and allow to host renewed expectations.

The incorporation of ICT in education requires thinking in advance about the objectives and challenges of education and then determining in what way and under what conditions the presence of ICT in schools contributes to them. The first and most important is to determine the meaning of ICT in education and what is the pedagogical model with which you can contribute more directly to improve quality and educational equity. Therefore, it is essential to establish the relationship of ICT with students' development of their ability to learn to learn, to selectively search for information, to have a critical position regarding the information available on the network, to encourage personal encounters between the equals and not only the virtual ones, to help understand the Ibero-American multicultural reality and to promote the values ​​of tolerance, respect, solidarity and justice.

The perspective of "development with ICT" conceives technology as a means in favor of a more inclusive human and social development and places as central elements of the transition to information societies the different aspects of development (education, health, the environment, etc.). This perspective represents the current trend that seeks to take advantage of the potential of these technologies to face the great challenges of the development agenda.
