Leadership In Crisis – A Practical Approach


Although interest in practice and developing leadership skills has been going on for thousands of years, leadership is nowadays both the most widely studied and the least understood issue in social sciences[1]According to Ph. Kotter, leadership is about coping with change. It has become so important, among others, because companies operate in a turbulent environment, i.e. an environment in which changes are disordered, chaotic, multidirectional and multilevel[2]. This environment is characterized by complexity and variability. Complexity[3]is determined by the amount and variety of elements that make them up, which the company should consider in the course of its activity. The variability of the environment occurs as a result of changes occurring within individual components of the environment as well as as a result of relationships (connections) between them. Changes occurring in the modern enterprises environment: are caused by many reasons (they can come from various sources), are rapid, discontinuous, both in structure and directions of activity, have a wide range, are difficult to predict, identify, can affect the whole enterprise or its individual parts, may be an opportunity or a threat to the other enterprises, are of great intensity, depth and multitude. And the more changes, the greater need for leadership[4]. The need for leadership is relatively important in a crisis situation. The aim of the article is to identify the possibilities of implementing the leadership demand and to develop a leadership model in the face of the crisis in the light of economic practice.

[1] Compare: K. Kosy, M. Książek (in Polish), Przywództwo w branżybudowlanej [in:] K. Kosy, M. Książek, V. Motzko, Ch. Motzko, S. Kaiser, D. Schmitz, Motywacjaiaspektypsychologiczne w budownictwie, BibliotekaMenedżerówBudowlanych, Germany, Poland 2014, p. 91

[2] J. Lichtarski (in Polish), Teoretyczneipraktyczneproblemyintegracjigospodarczejprzedsiębiorstw [in:] J. Lichtarski (ed.) Współdziałaniegospodarczeprzedsiębiorstw, PaństwoweWydawnictwoEkonomiczne, Warszawa 1992, p. 181

[3] K. Puszko-Machowczyk (in Polish), Kształtowanieelastycznościobszarówfunkcjonalnychprzedsiębiorstwbudowlanych, Oskara Lange Academy of  Economics, Wrocław, 2007, pp. 7-8

[4] S. Galata (in Polish), Biznes w przestrzenietycznej. Motywy, metody, konsekwencje, Warszawa 2007, pp. 181-183