Legal And State Liability In The Field Of Environmental Protection


The environmental issues that surge nowadays require higher responsibility in approaching the actions aimed to protect the environmental factors, which implies a need to adopt new policies and strategies, including legal ones, at an international, European, and national level.

In our study, we shall focus on some of the problems generated by the deterioration of the natural environmental factors, as their resolution is an important challenge for the decision factors at a world-wide, regional, and national levels – a true test that humankind must successfully and timely solve – as well as on the concrete measures that have been taken and that those leading Earth’s destiny have engaged to implement, with maximum responsibility.

In nowadays’ conditions, given the complex and global nature of climate changes, widespread and consistent cooperation actions are expected from the states and from international organisations, with the final purpose of adopting policies and strategies, a rigorous and efficient environmental legislation, meant to insure the protection of environmental factors, and optimal life and work conditions for present as well as future generations.

The legal framework that we mention, the environmental policies and strategies must mainly include measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, with some of the main objectives being: consumption based on less polluting energies; ecological means of transportation; new urban planning policies; ecological agriculture, with balanced and rational consumption.

In this context, the fate of humankind lies in the hands of those able to design long-term plans to reinstate the natural balance or at least to keep, to preserve the current environmental conditions without making it worse, with the only applicable instruments being urgent political and legal decisions, firmly taken and applied with no delays.