Les Obstacles Rencontrés Lors Du Développement D’un Nouveau Produit Cas Des PME Agroalimentaires De La Wilaya De Bejaia


This paper studies the various obstacles that may affect the behaviour of innovation and new product development in Algerian agri-food SMEs, particularly in the region of bejaia. To do this, a sample of SME managers were interviewed about their process and experience when developing new products. The literature shows that innovation, today, means mainly the ability to change or transform a product, a process or management system, whether it is a radical change or a slight “increment” improvement, and for which the result leads to a successful final operation. once data collected and analysed, we concluded that SME leaders should not only integrate the various success factors relates to new product development projects in their daily management strategies and practices, but also considerable efforts are to be made in terms of marketing culture to face the increasing competition.
