Leveraging Online Customer Reviews to Boost Business Performance and Efficiency


As customer reviews have become abundant over the last decade, they have considerably enhanced the way customers and prospects research, discover and buy products and services both online and in-store. In the same way, they have also created numerous opportunities for businesses, be they small or large. In this context, it has been revealed that using these reviews can allow a business to get valuable insights into how customers perceive its products and services. As such, businesses can spot their strengths, weaknesses as well as areas that they need to improve. Moreover, since the majority of customers and prospects trust online reviews as much as personal recommendation, this valuable customer feedback can serve as trustworthy and effective advertising forms. Customer reviews can also be used as key drivers of Search Engine Optimization and can, thus, contribute in improving business online rankings. Taking all these opportunities into consideration,  we believe that  an effective use of customer reviews will not only help businesses build engagement, trust and connection with their current and prospective customers but will  also enhance their  online reputation, credibility and ultimately boost performance and efficiency.