Lifestyle Segmentation of Czech Food Shoppers: How Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Correspond To Consumers´ Lifestyles


Empirical studies focused on communication strategies in the agri-food sector increasingly acknowledge the importance of environmental, health, social and/or ethical responsibility concerns of consumers. However, using analysis segmented food shoppers into groups; it has been found that consumers are significant differences in food consumption. Market segmentation is useful to develop profiles of key groups to better understand consumer needs and purchase motivation. However, the food related lifestyle concept is used as a framework; little attention has been paid on food related lifestyle (FRL) profile in the context of certain type of consumer orientation into environmental; health; and social/ethics among young consumer shopper in the Czech Republic. Theoretically, the study is based on cognitive approach to food related lifestyle segmentation, but methodologically an approach is applied to the segmentation of food consumers based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. Data from a 2015 nationwide Czech food consumer survey (n=331) were used in factor analysis to identify Sustainability oriented variables; Health oriented variables; Social and ethics oriented variables. These factors scores were used to identify consumers segments; this was done by means of multilevel latent class cluster analyses. To reveal market segments, e.g. to explore differentiation between consumers, was based on the FRL concept. The results emphasized the importance of personal characteristics. A strong impact of Food related lifestyle was found among consumer groups. With strongly supports the usefulness of the food related lifestyle instrument for creating more effective communication of importance of environmental; health; social/ethical responsibility awareness, through a more effective segmentation of the target groups.