LinkedDBTour: a Tool to Retrieve Linked Open Data about Tourism Attractions


Linked, open and collaborative data have emerged as important data sources, which allow to retrieve a great quantity of information with less effort. This paper introduces a software tool, called LinkedDBTour, that uses Linked Open Data sites to extract information about tourist attractions. LinkedDBTour also incorporates information about the cities where the attractions are located through Open and Collaborative data sources. The goal is to populate a database that stores the relevant features of tourism attractions. LinkedDBTour is designed to be a fully automated, geographic and domain-independent tool: a geographical area to delimit the area of interest and an ontology de ning the terms to be searched are given as input. We use DBPedia, LinkedGeodata, FourSquare, and OpenWeatherMap, but other data sources can be easily incorporated. This is intended to be a step ahead towards the exploitation of Linked, Collaborative and Open Data for applications such as recommender or planning systems. The experimental results will show that LinkedDBTour is able to retrieve the most relevant attractions of a particular geographical area.