Logic of Information Knowledge


Digitalization of all social processes and phenomena requires the creation of an information environment in accordance with the semantic representation of reality and adaptation-value invariants of personality identification from the point of view of mathematical knowledge. The effectiveness of information processes in the methodology of cognition requires the algorithmization of cultural codes in the discourse of scientific schools. The possibility of unrealistic objective information about an object as a form of existence does not depend on subjective knowledge and is created independently of thinking. Since truths arising from pure concepts are objectively possible, and truth-in-itself is a direct object of cognition, purely logical means are the criterion of the truth of information knowledge. Thus, it can be assumed that the criterion of the truth of the event (expected) information is the form of the language within the framework of logical procedures. The principles of encoding logical information lead to the analysis of only definitions of concepts in statements. Specific intrasystemic interference created by the transmission channel of the evidence by its consumers comes to the fore. Such interference is subtracted in the form of a priori, external consumer attitudes, accompanying or preventing the receipt of evidence. These hindrances are objective in the sense that any subjective thinking in the process of receiving (perceiving) evidence has a priori information that in general does not coincide (at best, partially coincides) with the original premises of the proof logic and its codes.