The main statistical indicators analysis of cereal production in Romania and in Development Regions for the period 1990-2014



This paper aims at analyzing the evolution over time of the cereal crops, crops which are representative for overall Romania and for each Development Region. The indicators analysis that characterize the cereals production was split across two time periods: 1990-2006 and 2007-2014. It is considered that the period 1990-2006 marked a historic transition for Romania, with deep economic repercussions, following that, immediately with the start of the second period 2007-2014, with the integrationinto the European Union, to be assessed this change by the overall impact on the economy and default on the agriculture. The analysis by comparison of the two periods was carried out with the help of statistical indicators relating to: the cultivated surfaces evolutions, the total productions and average productions evolutions, as well as their trends for the period 2015-2020. The conclusions resulting from this work suggests that cereals sector development is an essential element for strengthening the economy and ensuring the food security, being responsible for the stability and the availability of internal food products supply.