Maintaining AntForest App Users’ Sustainable Behavior for Increasing CSR Sponsorship among Chinese Companies Using Internet Platform


AntForest, with 650 million users, is a successful pro-environment advocate. To ensure its long-term success, user participation must be sustained. This study investigates Ant Forest's unique characteristics gamification mechanism and interactivity towards CSR-linked sponsorship and their potential to enhance users' sustainability awareness and engagement. This research employs a systematic literature review synthesis process to analyze existing literature on AntForest, user behavior, and CSR sponsorship. It identifies CSR-linked sponsorship, CIP sustainability, user behavior, and user attitude as potential independent variables. Gamification and interactivity serve as moderator variables, impacting users' responsibilities toward carbon offsetting. The study reveals that Chinese internet platforms can improve sustainability attitudes and behaviors through gamification, interactivity, and CSR sponsorship. Factors such as awareness, social norms, motivations, identity, and digital technology play key roles in maintaining sustainable behavior. This research proposes a Users’ Sustainable Awareness Model for internet platforms, which could serve as a corporate communication strategy. It is essential for companies seeking to enhance CSR sponsorships. Future empirical research is recommended to validate the model's effectiveness.