Management Framework for Globally Distributed Teams in IT Industry


 Software development is a highly creative and collaborative endeavor in which success requires a fine degree of coordination between many people from many different disciplines, often working across different geographies and time zones and sometimes across cultural borders. The goal of such arrangements is to bring together the mix of intellectual, technical, and industrial skills and resources needed to design, construct, and operate the systems and facilities required to solve complex business problems. When implementing software development in a global environment, a popular strategy is the establishment of globally distributed teams. Project management owes its existence as a management discipline to the complex, high technology undertakings. Projects are complex endeavors and project outcomes are far from being certain. Software development teams are plagued by management problems that result in missed deadlines, budget overruns, and canceled projects, and effective management remains an open problem as development teams struggle to keep pace with changing technology. The management aspect becomes further challenging and complicated while dealing ethical, time zone, cross cultural issues inherent to a globally distributed team. A pragmatic question is “Does classical project management work for globally distributed teams?” Too often the answer is no. In this paper we have presented an adept management framework for globally distributed teams.