Management Increase Model for the Sales of a Metalworking SME using Digital Transformation, Leanthinking and Digital Marketing in Nearshoring


The metalworking sector is of utmost importance for all countries, since its products provide solutions to all industrial sectors by providing machinery, spare parts, tools, etc.; In the Peruvian case, this sector has grown in recent years due to the high demand from external markets, which has generated a high impact on employment levels because for each direct job, four jobs are generated. hint. After the Covid-19 pandemic, which exposed a series of problems in supply chains, countries have chosen to look for suppliers closer to their markets as a way to reduce costs and improve supply, in In this context of competitiveness, metalworking companies have faced the reality that the market is increasingly digital and in which commercial management processes take on high relevance, which has generated a disadvantageous situation in metalworking SMEs, since that these have not traditionally been focused on this type of management, focusing only on the improvement of production processes. For this reason, this research arises in order to provide a solution to metalworking SMEs by proposing an innovative process model that contributes to increasing sales and profitability in their marketing and sales commercial processes through digital transformation tools. lean thinking and digital marketing.