Management Of Foreign Trade Policy Of The United States During The Global Economic Crises Of 2008 And 2014.


The article presents: the economic and statistical analysis of the US foreign trade, the dynamics of US exports and imports for 2007-2017, the analysis of the US trade deficit per capita, the calculation of the US trade balance for 2008-2017, the US trade relations separately from some regions of the world (Canada, the EU countries, the Asian-Pacific area, African countries) and the geographical structure of the United States foreign trade. It is concluded that the entire deficit in the US trade balance is based on the constantly high level of investment injections abroad. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain the policy of protectionism in foreign trade, which has recently begun to be reflected more clearly. The world economic crisis of 2008 had a serious impact on the leading world powers, which showed negative GDP in 2009 for the first time. A similar situation occurred in 2014, when the global crisis also affected the GDP of the leading powers. One can study the manifestations of the global economic crisis in different courses, from different angels, for example, to study the situation in the stock markets, in the banking sector, in the oil market, etc. In our article we will analyze the US trade balance during the period of indicated economic crises in order to adequately assess the extent of the consequences of the effects of crises on US exports and imports.