The research responds to the main objective of analyzing the relationship between innovation management and business competitiveness in the SMEs of the Villa El Salvador Industrial Park - 2023. The study is of a basic type, correlational level, quantitative approach, non-experimental crosssectional design. Likewise, the study population was 152 store managers, of which a sample of 110 managers from whom the information was obtained was demonstrated. The research used two questionnaires to measure the variables under study, which was composed of 18 items for each of the tests. The reliability analysis of the innovation management and business competitiveness questionnaires was carried out with the Cronbach statistical test, the results of which were 0.947 for both questionnaires, demonstrating that they are highly reliable. In the hypothesis test, a Pearson R score result of 0.655 was obtained with a significant level of 0.000, which demonstrates that the variables are related in a strong positive way. This result means that, while companies apply innovations in cooperation with collaborators, there is a very high probability that it is reflected in the market becoming increasingly competitive.