Management of Psychosocial Risks as Part of Personnel Management


Human resources are an indispensable and a significant part of the company because every employee participates on the success and prosperity of the business. In the context of human resources, personnel management is an important department in business management. It is a part of the business management that focuses on the human in the work process. There occurs in the working environment in recent years to the different influences that can have a negative impact on employees and their psyche. These impacts are caused mainly due to the globalization and technological changes. In the context of these influences and changes, the issue of psychosocial risks, which is part of Occupational safety and health (OSH), comes to the fore. Psychosocial risks are threats that can lead to negative psychological, physical and social impacts. These risks arise as a result of the poor structure, organization and work management. The aim of the paper is to highlight the importance of personnel management with an emphasis on the problem of psychosocial risks and their management in the working environment. A part of the paper is a questionnaire survey aimed at finding out the occurrence of stress in the workplace and finding out which working conditions are perceived by selected respondents as problematic at their workplace.