Managerial Premises for the Implementation of the Industry 4.0 Concept on the Car Assembly Technology Line


The publication addresses a decision-making management problem related to the implementation of the INDUSTRY 4.0 concept in an automotive industry company. The object of research, determining their theoretical and implementation scope, is a practical case of the car assembly technology line. The subject of the research are the managerial relational premises linking the attributes of the above-mentioned implementation with the macro-environmental strategic conditions of its implementation. The methodology of the expert studies presented in this publication uses three tools: PEST analysis, brainstorming, Delphi method and the fuzzy formula of inference. The scientific purpose is quasi-taxonomic and consists in discovering (research question) the hierarchical structure of the relationship strength of the analyzed managerial premises. The research conclusions highlight the technological and organizational problems of cyber-attacks and excessive investment costs as well as the issue of reliability and stability of cyber-physical systems and processes of the INDUSTRY 4.0 concept, as well as the socio-cultural aspects of supervision over the autonomy of these systems and processes, the dangers of both privacy violations and depriving employees of employment.