Managing a Modern Organisation Focused on Quality with the Use of the Balanced Scorecard


The analysis of a modern approach to the organization focused on the quality applying the assumptions of the concept of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in the Polish enterprise specialised in integrated service of investments in the electrical, mechanical and pneumatic disciplines has been presented.Improvement of the organization's activity was determined by defining activities in four areas: financial, client-related, process-related and development in accordance with the BSC methodology. The obtained data was used to develop a company strategy map and a Strategic Scorecard.The most important findings concern the development of the procedure for the implementation of the Strategic Scorecard and the definition of the activity phases: preparation, understanding, identification, selection of operation, implementation.The provided example is only the beginning an organisation’s road towards identifying the need of aim identification and their integration with qualitative and quantitative indices. Verification in the next years would be a confirmation of the effectiveness of the BSC methodology.The example given can be a model for organizations that treat BSC as a tool in system intended for measuring effectiveness in four prospects that affect both the organisation’s image as well as improvement of work in all of the organisation’s processes.