Managing Change in SMEs in the Field of Industrial Maintenance in Romania


In parallel with globalization and rapid changes in technology, the role of SMEs in improving the development of the economy and employment becomes crucial despite the resource constraints. Contemporary society and, implicitly, the organizations that carry out its activity within it are permanently subject to the changes that take place both at international level as well as at national, organizational and especially individual level. The changes in the business environment force the companies to modify their strategies in order to achieve the stated objectives. In order to be able to align to changes in the business environment and to the structures, systems and processes of the company, the role of human capital must be properly identified and differentiated according to the needs of the different stages of the life cycle. The change can be perceived in the positive sense as an upward evolution, with the purpose to adapt to the demands of both external and internal environment. At a general and acceptable level, people are adaptable and manage to cope with changes, considering them as natural and natural processes that they have to assimilate.