Managing changes when adding Technology in Financial Sector


In a changing world, resources tend to be insufficient and managing them could come with hard challenges for a company. Constant adaptation and evolvement define the basis for a successful business, but behind it comes a strong infrastructure that ensures the operativity. This year turned out to be a major test for humanity and for the economy. Regardless of the business and domain of interests, everyone had to exceed the boundaries and find innovative Ways of making business. Increased competition makes businesses recalculate their economic indicators and invest in productive work and efficiency, thinking about overall performance of the company, by using integrated systems. The aim of this paper is to present the change management process for information systems, by analyzing techniques that enhance specific principles and practices, among several implications in business. Strategic implementation of technology in the financial sector can save a business, but the required changes are not easily accepted. Mindsets and old ways of working need to be changed and adapted to the new strategies. This year demonstrates to us that only spontaneous people and flexible processes lead to successful businesses.