Managing the Age Diversity of Employees as a Remedy for the Aging of the Society from an Intergenerational Perspective


The present and predicted demographic changes pose a new challenge for employers in terms of human resource management and cannot be ignored. In fact, it is a double challenge, because it means attracting young talent while retaining older workers who have already reached the retirement age. The people participating in the labour market represent different generations that differ in terms of values, expectations and work motivation. Critical analysis of the research literature and research findings related to age diversity management allowed for answering the research question about age management. Employment-related stereotypes of older people were reviewed, and the benefits of and situations where the understanding and implementation of the concept of age management can bring positive outcomes were indicated. The study covered post-working age people and young people who have not completed their education yet. These are groups of people whose views on the issues of age and employment are hardly studied, yet they can be a key to understanding and achieving intergenerational understanding in the workplace. The aim of the study was to find the views on the issues related to "age management" and to indicate similarities and differences in the opinions of distant age groups.  
