Managing the Environmental Effects of Economic Growth While Sustaining Economic Development


In terms of dramatic global climate change, which calls into question even the future existence of life on this planet, research on the sustainability of ecosystems is channeled to the links between economic growth and global warming. It would highlight the fact that although there are many theories about the origin of global warming, however, most evidence supports that global warming is an entropic process, the specific effect of human activity. These claims are based on a scientific theory that directly links the global warming phenomenon to the carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. It is also pursuing various scenarios of global climate change and even contnuity of human existence on this planet, in the context of altering certain parameters that simulate the economic growth pressures on carbon dioxide emissions. Since the 90’s there were taken into consideration economic growth pressures on the environment. The issue remains acctual as pollution management should be done in the context of poverty eradication which has become the main objective of the third millennium. Thus, the two aspects of the global architecture, should be equally assumed and treated with responsibility.