Managing the Payback of Innovative Products Based on Matrix-Cyclical Model of Coordination of Producers’ and Consumers’ Interests


Nowadays coordination of consumer and producer interests is a mandatory element of the managing process the payback of innovative products. The coordination of interests consists in reaching a compromise between the goals of the producer and the consumer, if there are certain benefits. For this purpose, the characteristics of consumer values and product parameters must be systematically agreed between the consumer and the producer. the article is dedicated to improving the payback management of innovative products by coordination the interests of producers and consumers. This is only possible if a compromise is reached on the interests of consumers with respect to the price and quality of the products, and of producers with respect to the financial results of the sale. The purpose of the study is to develop a matrix model of ROI management of innovative products based on the introduction of criteria for assessing product innovation. Matrix-cycle management is proposed for efficient payback management. The proposed method is based on integral matrix analysis, integrated analysis, system analysis and other methods. the article presents a matrix-cyclic model of coordination of interests of consumers and producers of innovative products. It is based on the principles of management of payback of innovative products. improvement of efficiency of management of return on innovative products on the basis of coordination of interests of interested parties can be achieved by application of the developed matrix-cyclic model of management. To eliminate the conflict between the interests of stakeholders in the methodology of management of payback of innovative products, it is necessary to introduce new quality criteria.