Managing Thinking History through Historical Thinking Learning Model (MPBH)


Thinking critically in the study of history is a necessity that must be mastered by history learners so that they know the current issues that can be drawn to the historical event based on historical evidence. However, critical thinking in learning history is not as easy as imagined, because the implementation in the field is still found, that learning history only accepts historical information without criticizing the source and still imagining, learning history is learning about past events. The purpose of this study is how to develop a model of historical thinking learning (MPBH). Furthermore, research tests the effectiveness of MPBH. Empirical data were obtained from 57 students participating in local history courses divided into two classes, each A 29 regular classes and B 28 regular classes students in Indonesia were collected through open and closed questionnaires, observation on the test and limited test. The effectiveness of MPBH was analyzed through the t-test. The findings of this study, that MPBH is effective enough to achieve learning objectives and competence of local history courses. Furthermore, MPBH effectiveness testing should be expanded on a broader scale and different subjects.