Mapping Media Skills on the Economic Curriculum


The paper scopes the results of the research aimed at identifying media competences that facilitate Industry 4.0 skills mostly required in the today’s regulatory economy and allowing the of 1st-year students to facilitate economic literacy in bachelor studies at the Economic Department, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Moscow, Russia.

The objective of the research is to identify the results of the study on the sample of 159 international relations university students who study foreign languages as ESP and to score student’s performance in media skills projected on the economic curriculum so as to draw parallels with the economy-based subjects and establish a set of competences required for the comprehensive view of the curriculum for economic departments.

The author has elaborated the hierarchy of media competences and of a map of media skills that allow organizing a production and training for university students within the Language of Media Course in order to develop a qualified expertise in the media environment.

The findings of research highlight the importance of the media literacy integrated in the curriculum for international relations students who major in economy. The research conducted stresses out that the Language of Media Course facilitates analysis, critical evaluation of the online information, summarizing skills, which allows them to be competitive on the job market. The results of the study may be of particular interest for lecturers, psychologists, higher school students, media workers and journalists.