Mathematical Modeling of The Organization Performances By Improving A System Diagnostic


Lately, the deep transformations taking place into the structure of  human society determines the conceptual reconsideration of  the way of approaching the organization management , through increasing the performance level. If so far, we focussed especially on the material  side of the organization, neglecting the human relations and the morality,  at present, we pay a special attention to taking into consideration the information allowing  a description of the functions fulfilled by the determinant components of the structure. Thus, the superficial observation  of some apparent phenomena is replaced with a thorough study of the subtlety of the real. To this end, a system S is studied using the  triplet: component, function and membership degree of the function to component.  By applying the duality principle, the component is replaced with the function and conversely. For the dual system,  the membership degree of the function to satisfying a component is determined. Thus,  a primal matrix and a dual one result. At the same time, the principle of the antithesis allowing to find the  antithetical components and the functions is applied . The antithetical functions are, in fact, dysfunctions that can be relatively easy identified. The antithetical components are relatively difficult to be identified. In order to estimate the system state, we make correlations related to: elimination of the criteria redundancy, elimination of the incompatibilities among criteria. The global membership degree of the components state  estimated by observer O is calculated.  The difference between the global positive/antithetic membership degree of the component/function state is the discrepancy, namely, a synthetic indicator of estimating the organization .