Measuring Poviats Sustainable Development in Pomorskie Voivodship 2020 (Poland). AHP-PROMETHE II Framework


The article presents the research results on the poviats sustainable development in the Pomorskie (Pomeranian) Voivodeship in 2020, based on the original FAHP-PROMETHEE II research model. The implemented methodology included: the multiple-criteria fuzzy AHP method (FAHP) to control the weights of selected criteria and sub-critria; and the multiple-criteria PROMETHEE II method to create a poviats sustainable development ranking. The article has been divided into two main parts. The theoretical part contains a literature review on sustainable development and research concepts; in the empirical part, however, the methodology, research framework and results of the analysis were presented. The main source of statistical data is the annual report published by Statistical Office in Pomeranian, which contains information on most important development areas (e.g, ecology, demography, economy, culture, infrastructure, social factors, toursim, safety, etc.). Summarizing, the purpose of the paper was to build a framework for sustainable development measurement, which will take into account socio-economic determinants for deliberately selected areas from a regional perspective. This approach may be the starting point for further investigations, in order to look for more complex dependencies among criteria and sub-criteria determining sustainable development.