Measuring the Creative Economy: An Assessment of The Situation In Western Balkan Countries


The research presented in this report measures and analyzes the key dimensions of creative economy and society in Balkan countries by using data regarding the “3Ts” framework proposed by professor Richard Florida in the book the Rise of the Creative Class. Creativity is recognized as an economic driver for generating wealth and employment, sustainable development of world cities, technological changes, scientific and business innovation, personal and social development and enhancement of competitiveness of firms, enterprises, individual cities and countries which would shed light on how we live in the 21st century (Landry, 2000; DCMS, 2004, 2002, 2001, Howkins, 2001). The creative economy is considered as a leading component of economic growth, especially for developing countries, able to create and circulate intellectual capital, to generate income, employment, innovation and trade earnings while at the same time promoting cultural diversity, social inclusion and human development. It consists on those activities based on creativity, individual talent and skill and that have the potential to create jobs and wealth through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property (DCMS, 2003). In realizing a creative economy three key pillars are needed to be developed and sustained: talent, technology and innovation, and the social context.