Mediating Effects Of Staff Training On The Relationship Between Geoinformation And Natural Disaster Management In United Arab Emirate


Recent developments in the UAE have progressed towards the concept of disaster resilience. However, preparations for any impending disaster have been slow and in fact, due to the country’s recent legal establishment as a nation, disaster preparation has featured on national agenda. In light of the new nuclear development at Braqa and other expansions in UAE energy sector, it is important to understand vulnerabilities of the sector as a means of preparedness for future natural or man-made hazards. However, over the last decades, awareness of the range of potential threats to the UAE has increased. In response to this, the National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority (NCEMA) was established in 2007 (NCEMA). NCEMA is a specialised authority that regulates and coordinates the disaster response efforts at the national level. In this organization (NCEMA) training plays a very crucial role among the staff in which well-trained employees performs better than less-trained employees in terms of disaster management. Therefore, this research explores the Mediating Effects of Staff Training on the Relationship Between Geoinformation and Natural Disaster Management in United Arab Emirate. The findings of this research papers show that there is a significant mediating effects of staff training on the Relationship Between Geoinformation and Natural Disaster Management in United Arab Emirate.