Methodology Design; Meditation and Individual Job Performance


A quasi-experiment design was carried out in combination with other techniques based on meditation, research that is being carried out in a private higher education institution in Mexico. The intervention plan was offered to students, teachers, and administrative staff as a study to test the benefits or harms of meditation. 17 people participated in the experimental group and 7 in the control group, it consisted of meditating for 90 days, approximately 12-15 minutes daily. Evaluations are made at the beginning and at the end of the 90 days. The purpose is to present the methodology of a broader investigation, which seeks to measure how meditation modifies individual work performance (job performance), its dimensions, which are civic and counterproductive behaviors, and its different categories. The different techniques applied and instruments chosen for the collection of information are explained. The quantity and combination of different techniques that were not observed before is found as a novelty.